Why Was Trump Called to Comment on the Capitol Attack One Year Later

united states

Every American is familiar with the Capitol attack that took place back in 2021. However, myriads of US residents were quite surprised to find out that almost two years later, the former president of the United States, namely Donald Trump, was subpoenaed to comment on the events. It is a well-known fact that the breach was organized by Trump’s supporters after he failed to win the last elections. Nonetheless, nobody expected Trump to be summoned by the Committee.

What Actually Happened on January 6th 2021

The 2020 presidential elections were held in November. Two months and three days later, the January 6th Capitol attack took place, leaving a mark in the political history of America. On that day, a huge mob of Donald Trump’s supporters, in an attempt to keep the former US president in power, inflicted a lot of damage.

Many of you probably know that Donald Trump stated that the 2020 Elections were manipulated. In fact, the day the attack took place was the day when the college electoral votes were to be counted. According to experts, the previous president has planned this invasion for a very long time.

His purpose was to, of course, overturn the election. Trump released several speeches where he claimed that these votes weren’t real, and he asked his supporters to fight for justice. An interesting fact that was noted by a number of viewers was that Trump had used more than 20 verbal variations of the word fight in his latest speech before the accident.

The chaos brought by the mob was quite significant. Police officers and reporters were attacked, and sadly, several individuals died shortly after the attack. The offices of several House members were vandalized, and at some point during the riot, a gallows was raised. Supporters screamed for Mike Pence to hang himself.

Seeing how much havoc was caused, Trump called for his supporters to go home. However, he once again stated that the election was dishonest. Fortunately, the mob followed the ex-president’s advice and went home, leaving a complete mess behind. One day later, Joe Biden was officially announced as the new president of the United States.

The Subpoena of Donald Trump by the Committee

House Committee

As aforesaid, the January 6th Capitol attack is still being investigated by the House committee. During their latest session, it was voted for Donald Trump to be subpoenaed. The potential conference was labeled as an official business meeting rather than a hearing. During the period after the riot, many politicians expressed their opinion on the riot, including:

  • Kevin McCarthy
  • Joe Biden
  • Mike Pence
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Chuck Schumer
  • Lindsay Graham

Myriads of people were positive that Trump would not show up, and he will not even comment on that. Ever since this investigation has been active, numerous individuals have been called to comment on the riot. Some of them, however, did not show up, including one of Donald Trump’s previous advisers.

Here Is What Trump Had to Say about the Committee Investigation

Ever since the investigation started, Donald Trump has expressed his negative opinion on everything done by the Committee. Throughout the whole time, he continued to claim that the 2020 Elections were fraudulent. In regard to his subpoena, the previous American president has released a lengthy 14-page long response. Unsurprisingly, in his latest statement, that was, once again, the main topic.

His statement begins with the words The Presidential Election of 2020 was rigged and stolen, written in capital letters. The politician accuses Nancy Pelosi of not paying attention to the important things and instead spending money on a charade. In the document, Trump shares that he is completely positive the 2020 elections have been rigged, and every single US state spent a fair amount of time deconstructing the votes.

According to his opinion, the overall chaos was not caused by his supporters but by the unfairness of the United States. He is a firm believer that his voters are simply patriots who fight for their country and want the best for it. At the end of the day, it was not clarified whether or not Trump will show up in front of the Committee.

Will There Be Further Investigation

Subpoenaing Trump was the final step the Committee took. If he decides to show up, this will put a complete end to the investigation. According to relevant information presented in the New York Times, the former president of the United States has shared that he will testify on one condition. The politician wishes for the entire hearing to be shown on a live stream. In case his request is fulfilled, the meeting will take place as soon as possible. In accordance with the latest information presented by one of the Committee speakers, the possibility of a live testimony will be thoroughly considered.